
What is the Bag in the Back Campaign?

The Bag in the Back campaign promotes a simple but smart way to avoid a preventable tragedy, encouraging parents and caregivers to develop a habit of putting a bag or a personal item in the back seat so that, before they leave their vehicle, they are forced to open the back door to retrieve the item. Developing this habit helps minimize the risk of leaving a child in the car unintentionally.

What We Do

A Five-Fold Mission

Empower parents and caregivers by creating comprehensive and easy-to-read materials on hazards that put infants’ and children’s lives at risk.

Advise caregivers, healthcare providers, educators, and the community of safety and prevention habits that can be implemented immediately.

Promote awareness via social media campaigns on simple, effective habits that can minimize and prevent accidents.

Amplify the message by identifying the key advocacy partners needed to reinforce these prevention habits and drive widespread habit adoption.

Build a supportive community where everyday dangers and hazards are de- stigmatized and can be discussed openly and without judgment.

Get Educated about Vehicular Heatstroke and the Bag in the Back Habit...and Pass it On!

Vehicular heatstroke is not commonly talked about with expecting and new parents. When the media on cases of children dying in hot cars, the focus is often on vilifying the parents, rather than educating the public of the risk to all parents. When parents are inaccurately portrayed as careless and unloving, attentive parents dismiss this issue as not relevant to them, believing they “could never forget” their child. That's why we need the help of parents, healthcare providers, and caregivers to help us spread our message of prevention by downloading, distributing, and displaying our informational material.

For Parents

Parents receive advice from all corners when raising a child. Unfortunately, information about the risks of vehicular heatstroke is not relayed to parents nearly as often as information about other childhood risks. Click below to learn more about developing a Bag in the Back habit and get the resources you need to prevent a tragedy.


For Pediatricians & Hospitals

Pediatricians and other healthcare providers can play a unique role in preventing pediatric vehicular heatstroke by informing families about the risk of unknowingly leaving a child in a hot car. Click here for resources you can distribute and display in your practice, office, or hospital.


For Daycares

Daycare providers see parents and their children on a daily basis. Because of this unique relationship, daycare providers are in prime position to educate parents about the risks of vehicular heatstroke and to encourage parents to develop the lifesaving Bag in the Back habit. Click here to learn how you can prevent a tragedy.

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Help us understand more about vehicular heatstroke awareness and other childhood health risks

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